Marketing Research for Nonprofit Organizations
Campbell Rinker has delivered high-quality insights and analytics customized to the needs of our nonprofit clients for thirty years.
Browse our articles and archives for insights to help your fundraising or membership mission.
Snap Stats
Some Donors Say OK to More Contact
The highest share of donors agree that one message a month is a good level of contact from a ministry. But 47% of Millennials say it's OK to hear from ministries monthly or even more frequently, compared to just 35% of older donors. About a third of donors,...
Millennials Feel Emotions More after Giving
Donors of all generations are apt to feel hopeful after giving to a ministry for the first time. Millennials, however, are significantly more likely to feel this emotion and many other positive emotions as well, compared to GenX, Boomer and Silent generation...

Case Studies
Marketing research lets you measure the opinions, perceptions, attitudes, motivations
There are several ways marketing research for nonprofit organizations can deliver these kinds of answers. We can even use multiple techniques to achieve your research goals:
Surveys »
Click here to see how Campbell Rinker
has delivered for clients through surveys.
Focus Groups »
Live, online, or streaming video, our team digs deep to discover what people really feel and why.
Analysis »
These case studies show how we deliver insights beyond the numbers.
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Here are some fun and unique ways we’ve delivered on our clients’ research objectives.