Marketing Research for Nonprofit Organizations
Campbell Rinker has delivered high-quality insights and analytics customized to the needs of our nonprofit clients for thirty years.
Browse our articles and archives for insights to help your fundraising or membership mission.
Snap Stats
Making Your Church Warm and Friendly
Most of the cues that signal a church is warm and friendly must be conveyed by church members themselves, not by leaders or greeters.
Can Nonprofits Still Trust Surveys?
The last few elections could make people wonder if anybody can trust polls anymore. Thankfully, surveys are different from polls in some significant ways. This article describes why nonprofits can still trust surveys when they’re conducted carefully.
Donors say ‘Not So Fast’ to Online Giving
Giving to a charity’s website with a mobile device has jumped over 20 percent since 2015, according to an April survey of 630 US donors commissioned by Dunham+ Company and conducted by Campbell Rinker. While these increases are encouraging, the trend toward online...
New Tax Laws Spur Fewer Itemized Deductions
Three in four donors responded to new tax laws by choosing the standard deduction last year instead of itemizing their charitable deductions. This revelation comes from an April survey of 630 US donors sponsored by Dunham+Company. Itemizing All Deductions Conducted by...

Case Studies
Marketing research lets you measure the opinions, perceptions, attitudes, motivations
There are several ways marketing research for nonprofit organizations can deliver these kinds of answers. We can even use multiple techniques to achieve your research goals:
Surveys »
Click here to see how Campbell Rinker
has delivered for clients through surveys.
Focus Groups »
Live, online, or streaming video, our team digs deep to discover what people really feel and why.
Analysis »
These case studies show how we deliver insights beyond the numbers.
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Here are some fun and unique ways we’ve delivered on our clients’ research objectives.