What’s really important to your donors? Just how important is it? What should you do about it? A Donor Value Model from Campbell Rinker helps you find out what is important to your donors, and how their attitudes impact their giving.
Beyond that, the Donor Value Model can help predict the potential value (in dollars and cents) of improving the attitudes held by donors, enabling your organization to plan more effective communications.
The sample chart below shows that some traits are able to influence giving very strongly, although donors state that these traits are less important than others. From this example, Campbell Rinker would draw concrete implications for the future of the organization’s fundraising communications and informative communications.
In addition to explaining giving behavior, statistical models are also useful for predicting giving behavior. Changes in attitude are likely to affect giving, and a Donor Value Model can help your organization simulate the impact that changes in donor attitudes can have on gift income. The sample table below provides a compelling example, showing that average gift is likely to increase if more donors rate the organization highly (rating of 5 out of 5) with regard to maintaining low overhead.